Boy I love fog! As soon as the the clouds descend or the fog envelopes I head for the forest. The combination of fog and forest equals magical photography. The best part of fog in the forest is that the fog wipes out all the background so the forest becomes almost 1-dimensional and thus much easier to find compositions.
Don’t worry about the exposure. Take the picture and then lighten it up at least a full stop on your computer. If you don’t do this the picture will look heavy and depressing. Wait to lighten it up until you get it on your computer- you will have much more precision and you will get exactly the look you want.
This spot is on the farm I visit all the time. I have photographed this same road in the winter, in the fall and in the first blush of Spring. This is the first time I have found the perfect fog in June so I jumped on the possibility. Now I can’t wait to go back. Maybe I’ll put all the images of the season together and make a poster. Can’t wait!