I have been asked a lot lately about the potential for fall color this year. My answer is the same for everyone- I don’t know! In fact, no one knows for sure no matter how definitive he or she might sound. Here is what I know and can see- We had a bit of a cool spell in mid-September causing some trees to show some color early but now (almost October) it is warm and wet so the progression to full color seems to have stopped or at least slowed. Mountainsides are 95% green in central to southern Vermont but some valley bottoms are bright red (from the early turning red maples).
When will the peak color be? Got me! Traditionally the best color is between October 10th – 14th, I have no reason to think differently this year. If you are coming up during the first week of October head to northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. During the second week of October you can go where ever you wish, there should be good color everywhere. Head for the coast of New England during the third week of October and go to New Jersey and Maryland and the Smokies at the end of October.
Good Luck!