It is getting close to the deadline for signups for my Pacific Rim National Park workshop I do every year with my good friend Brenda Berry. The workshop is on the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia and includes photographing in an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
This workshop is by far the ‘wildest’ location of any workshop I have ever done in my 30 years of doing workshops and the only one that reliably give participants a point blank chance to photograph wild black bears. On the workshop we spend one morning on a small chartered boat exploring the inland fjords of the area in search of black bears that come down to the shore to feed on crabs at low tide. We have never missed seeing bears and getting great opportunities to photograph them. Last year we added a second black bear cruise and were rewarded with three sets of mother bears and cubs. On mom with three cubs walked right along the shoreline next to our boat for a good long time- it was a spectacular show and the participants got magnificent shots.
But there is more to this workshop than just up close bears. There are wild beaches with great breaking waves to photograph at sunset, treed headlands and offshore islands that make great seascape subjects, the best tide pools I have ever seen and by far the most accessible and several spots for virgin old-growth forest photography included famous Meares Island home of giant (16′ diameter!!!) red cedars.
This workshop has more and far better photography than any other workshop I know of and all of it is close and easy to get to. I do have to warn you that this will probably be the last year that Brenda and I will offer this workshop in this format. Next year we will be doing a new workshop format here and we will not be able to go to all the above locations so if you want to photograph bears and eagles and huge sea stars and giant trees this will be your last chance.
The workshop is from May 27th to June 1st, a day longer than my usual workshops because there is so much to photograph. The cost is $1175 but if you sign up now we will give you a $200 discount. A deposit of $375 will hold your spot.
Please contact me – if you have any questions. This is a workshop you shouldn’t let go by.