David Middleton’s 2012 Photography Workshop Schedule


Available Light Travel Photography March 28th – April 1st Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Workshops: www.santafeworkshops.com/photography-workshops

This is a practical workshop on how to take beautiful travel photographs without all the annoyance of strobes and cords and battery packs. Based on the techniques I have used during my last three books I will share the tips and procedures that allow you to concentrate on taking great pictures. Daily critiques and shooting sessions in and around Santa Fe are included. Remember, it is not the gear you use but the techniques you use!


Tofino and Pacific Rim National Park May 8th – 13th Tofino, British Columbia

For complete information contact Brenda Berry-   bberrygreen@gmail.com

One of my all time favorite workshops because of the stunning variety of habitats and subjects, Tofino is a nature photographer’s paradise. Located on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island this workshop will explore ancient cedar groves, magnificent tide pools, beaches miles long, fascinating working harbors and rocky coastlines. We will also spend a morning photographing the low tide shorelines of the back bays in search of the area’s wonderfully cooperative black bears. Taught with my great friend and fellow pro, Brenda Berry.


Thinking and Shooting Like a Pro June 17th – 23rd Manchester Center, Vermont

For complete information contact Scott Rouse-  scott@scottrousedigital.com

This unique workshop, taught with my friend and digital guru Scott Rouse, is the best way I know to amp up your photography. Over the week Scott and I cover all aspects of pro-level photography from capture to processing to presentation. We also emphasize the benefits and joys of adding purpose to your photography by way of a photography project. For further information see my blog and contact Scott for a more detailed description.


The Oregon Coast July 18th – 22nd Newport, Oregon

Santa Fe Workshops: www.santafeworkshops.com/photography-workshops

Now really, can you think of a better place to be in July than the Oregon Coast? Crashing waves, working harbors, long beaches, beautiful lighthouses and bizarre sea creatures and colorful tide pools all close by and all easy to get to. Plus great sunsets and a fun seaside community. Taught with my great friend and fellow pro, Brenda Berry.


Fall in Vermont October 10th – 14th Manchester Center, Vermont

Santa Fe Workshops: www.santafeworkshops.com/photography-workshops

I call this my backyard workshop because, well, it is done in my (greater) backyard. Taught with my great friends and fellow pros Jeff Wendorff and Lisa Cueman, I take the class to all my favorite locations- tumbling mountain streams, misty ponds, colorful meadows and old barns. We also go to the wonderful old dairy farm that I did an entire book on to photograph the old-time Vermont of generations past. As a special treat we will also photograph two magnificent horses- running against a background of colorful trees and portraits of them with a dramatic black background.


Fall on the Maine Coast October 17th – 21st Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park

Santa Fe Workshops: www.santafeworkshops.com/photography-workshops

I have been going to Acadia National Park and the headlands of Down East for more than 20 years and every time I go there I find more things to photograph. Now after doing three books on the coast of Maine I appreciate the area even more. From the beautiful working harbors to the hidden ponds surrounded with color to the birch forests thick with ferns there are endless subjects to photograph. Don’t go with a group to all the standard places that everyone else has images of, come with us and get unique shots of a unique and beautiful part of our country. Taught with my great friend and fellow pro, Brenda Berry.