David Middleton is a professional outdoor photographer, teacher and writer.
More than an outdoor photographer, David is a gifted and enthusiastic teacher who truly enjoys sharing his experiences and expertise with people. He finds great joy helping others discover their creative potential and is very comfortable in front of people of all interests.
David is currently working on his new book project, Finding Home.
New Book Project

How to Write a Book
Since you didn’t ask, I thought I would give you, my lone reader, a personalized insider’s view of the hows, whys and wherefores of writing a book. I have done this 12 times in the past and I still don’t really know how it happens and I certainly haven’t learned how to not torture myself through its completion. Ok, you’ve decided you want to write a book....

On Photography
There are rules, guidelines, suggestions, recommendations, procedures, instructions and directions in photography and all of them are handy most of the time and dreadful some of the time. As is said “Rules are made to be broken.” But there are also Laws in photography that are sacrosanct, to be broken only under great penalty. Curiously, most photographers...