Writing Journal
On Writing
I have several rules to writing. OK, there are not really rules. Let’s call them strong suggestions. None of these are original and I take no credit for any of them, but all have proved true over my 30 years of writing. The suggestions are not listed by importance - I put them on the page as they tumbled off my pointy, little head. Write however is...
So You Want to Write a Book
Since you didn’t ask, I thought I would give you, my lone reader, a personalized insider’s view of the hows, whys and wherefores of writing a book. I have done this 12 times in the past and I still don’t really know how it happens and I certainly haven’t learned how to not torture myself through its completion. Ok, you’ve decided you want to write a...
Be a Writer
You have that little bug inside of you that fancies yourself a writer, don’t you? Not a writer now but a someday writer — someone who can tell a story or describe a place or share what is inside in a compelling and entertaining way. You’ve always wanted to write but something always came up and when you occasionally did try it wasn’t very good...
Why Share?
Okay, so lets get right down the nitty-gritty — Why? Why show your creative efforts? Why share what you make or write or photograph or weave or cook or digitally cobble together? What’s the point? Can’t you be a photographer or a writer or a web designer or a weaver or a painter or a code writer or teacher without sharing your talents with...