by David Middleton | Feb 6, 2024 | Articles, Finding Home
It has been a long few years but I’m back now, cranking away, as creative and grumpy as I have always been. The book I started 4 years ago is now mostly finished- just a couple more chapters to go- 100,000 words! – a curious number since I only know about...
by David Middleton | Jan 15, 2023 | Articles, On Photography, Thoughts
There are rules, guidelines, suggestions, recommendations, procedures, instructions and directions in photography and all of them are handy most of the time and dreadful some of the time. As is said “Rules are made to be broken.” But there are also Laws in photography...
by David Middleton | Apr 25, 2021 | Articles, Nature
On the night of April 25th, 2021, one hundred million migrating birds, flying northeast, crossed the Texas coast. One night, over 100 million birds; how is this comprehendible? It’s not, not to mostly daylight living humans firmly stuck to the hard ground of...
by David Middleton | Jun 10, 2015 | Articles
Boy I love fog! As soon as the the clouds descend or the fog envelopes I head for the forest. The combination of fog and forest equals magical photography. The best part of fog in the forest is that the fog wipes out all the background so the forest becomes almost...
by David Middleton | Jan 28, 2015 | Articles
I have doing some thinking lately, mostly of the odd, obtuse kind and have come up with an interesting photography question- What one word best describes your photography? This is a more nuanced question then first appears. It requires you to actually think (you all...