Crossroads Vermont workshop

Crossroads Vermont workshop

There are still spots left on my Vermont Crossroads workshop that I am doing in June in my home area in southern Vermont. This year we will have two non-profit partners- the Vermont Land Trust and the Dorset Equine Rescue. We are photographing a brand new property for...
Hidden behind the Color

Hidden behind the Color

Messin’ around with some pics late last night and look what I found!! There, right in front of me all this time, where some really nice black and white forest images! they had been hiding behind all the wonderful color! Several of the 20 or so pics I turned into...
Photographing the Forest

Photographing the Forest

Forests are some of the hardest environments to photograph in, at least they are for me. I doubt anyone has taken more pictures in forests over the last 30 years but still I find it an extremely challenging place to find a good image. The problem is that there is just...
Spring Tulips!

Spring Tulips!

Since it is cold, dreary and miserable here in the Northeast I thought I would post some very Spring tulip pics. These were all taken one morning in the Keukenhof Garden, an internationally famous garden in the Netherlands, I visited a couple of years ago. April is...

Making a Difference with your Photography

Have we all had, by now, just enough of the ‘Hey, look what I did!’ part of photography? We show our friends, we show our family, we show our camera clubbers, we show our workmates, our neighbors, our maids, our butlers, we basically show everyone we possibly can our...


Okay, just one more (maybe). This is a shot of the tundra in Denali National Park in early September- the peak of their fall color! There were miles and miles of magnificent tundra- all right under your feet! Of course, there were also grizzly bears and caribou and...