by David Middleton | Sep 2, 2012 | Stories
The directions to drive to Crabtree Lake are to just follow Crabtree Creek upstream until it stops flowing. The problem is that the approach is via a snarl of logging roads that pay no heed to topography or logic. I remember the route as...
by David Middleton | Sep 2, 2012 | Stories
The Hub – Kim Furlong, Storekeeper Kim Furlong has a single string tied around her left wrist. The string symbolically connects close friends in a circle of support and promise for a friend about to give birth. “When the child is born we will all cut the string...
by David Middleton | Sep 2, 2012 | Stories
Midnight in mid-channel, mid-coast in Maine and I am adrift between two tides. One carries my small boat away as I pull to shore against its tidal tug. The other also washes through the starry darkness but I cannot pull against it. And so, thus caught in the middle,...
by David Middleton | Nov 8, 2008 | Articles, Featured Stories, Stories
As a nature photographer and a pursuer of fleeting moments I am always wondering if I am at the right place at the right time- even if I happen to be. Is this the best vantage or should I walk a bit farther? These are nice trees, but what’s around the bend?...