I realize that everyone wants the big beautiful Fall landscape shot but there is more to the Fall than big landscapes. If you look around and look small there are lots of other possibilities for magnificent photos literally right under foot.
Looking small and looking away from the expected is especially important if you happen to live in an area where Fall didn’t quite meet your expectations. Here in central Vermont we had a screwy color season with some patches quite nice but with most of the area with color scattered all around. At the farm I help out at here in Danby the color is just now reaching peak while at my place just a couple of miles away the color is well past!
The main lesson here is to not try to photograph something that isn’t but instead photograph what the season and conditions present. If the best possibilities are when the leaves are on the ground then photograph reflections and mushrooms and critters. It is a waste of time to fret about what is not present. Instead relish what is present and blast away!